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Compelling Reason

If you haven't figured out why you want to make the change you want to make, I can imagine that change is not going very well.

It is one of the first things I talk to my clients about when they start coaching with me and I myself write out my compelling reason EVERY morning in my journal.

What is a compelling reason? Simply put it is your why? Why do you want this? Why are you doing what you are doing? What are you trying to accomplish and why is that so darn important to you?

Here are a few important things about your compelling reasons to consider as you are deciding what yours will be

1. Your compelling reason does not need to be noble. It has to stir something in you!

Don't get caught up thinking that your compelling reason has to be pretty, noble, or that it has to be Earth shattering. It doesn't matter if your compelling reason is to feel confident and proud of yourself, be able to walk around in a bikini at the pool, wear a size 6, or be able to breathe easily when you are playing with your kids.

The most important thing is your compelling reason must stir something in you. It has to mean something to you.

2. Nobody needs to know your compelling reason; unless you want them too.

I know all the cool kids are sharing every second of their day on Instagram and Facebook these days. But if you want to keep your compelling reason private, go on with your bad self. If you want to share it with the world because it keeps you accountable, rock on girlfriend! All that matters is that you know it, and you practice mindfulness of it every day. One of the reasons why I have my clients re-write it every morning when they write their plan is so that it stays in the fore front of their mind. You can check out my plan pages at the end of this blog.

3. Your compelling reason can change as much as you want it to.

Make a decision on what your compelling reason, try it on for a week or so, and if it isn't resonating with you...try another one. There is nothing like some good old indecision to keep you stuck instead of moving forward towards your goals.

Lay down that desire to think of the perfect compelling reason and instead start getting to work on trying some on and finding the one that fits well.

Compelling reasons will come and go. I've had about 7 since I started. I've come back to old ones, discovered new ones, and made sure that in every new season of my life I have a compelling reason that speaks to me.

4. Your compelling reason alone is not enough.

The biggest misconception I come across with my clients is that having a compelling reason is magically and it is some how going to be the missing answering and make everything EASY...


So let that go right now if that is where your thinking is. Cause sorry to break it to you, but that is not happening. Having a compelling reason will not make the choices you have to make to achieve your compelling reason easier. A compelling reason will not make getting up easier, it won't make saying no to that cupcake a joy to do, and it certainly will not be the MAGIC to all of a sudden make all of your goals and dreams come true. All that comes from managing your thinking in those situations and putting your butt into action even when you don't want to.

Starting each day refocusing yourself on why you want this goal is important for your mindset. It reminds you where you want to go and why you want to achieve it.

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