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How to Change Your Thoughts

Changing your thoughts will be one of the hardest tasks you ever embarked on. However, I can tell you that it will be the best journey you will ever travel. The discomfort will be well worth it when you learn that you hold the POWER to living your best life.

I've struggled my entire life with belief systems that have held me back. Belief systems that told me I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't doing enough, that I would never be enough.

My problem was I was always controlled by my emotions. I thought that my emotions just came; I didn't control them they just were. So for years I lived with overwhelm, anxiety, fear, & worry. These emotions got so big at one point that I started blacking out from the anxiety that was being caused by the helplessness of the emotions I was feeling. The ways I had coped for so many years were failing me.

Here is what I have learned and this is what I teach my clients that I work with: Your feelings comes from your thoughts. The reason you have a feeling about a circumstance is because of a thought that you are thinking.

This BLEW my mind when I actually understood this. It gave me back the POWER and CONTROL. I no longer felt like a slave to my anxiety; I could decide just by changing my thoughts.

Now I realize that sounds all wonderful. Just change your thoughts and life will be GREAT. But the problem is nobody has taught us how to change our thoughts. What we have been taught is to resist, distract, and ignore the feelings that we are having. Which also means we have been ignoring, distracting and resisting the thoughts that create these feelings as well.

When you change your thoughts; two things have to happen. One you have to believe the thought and two it has to make you feel better. If you don't believe it...NOTHING...NOTHING will change. And if it doesn't make you feel better why would you WANT to be thinking it?

Sometimes it is challenging to just go from one thought to the complete opposite and that is where these thought modifiers come into play. These have been amazing for my clients who are currently enrolled in my 8 week Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life Course. These little modifiers help to change your thoughts which will give you completely different feelings. When you feel different; you act different. When you act different; you get different RESULTS.

It is worth a shot; isn't it? We all want to feel better. If current thought you are having right now; is not serving you; is not bringing any benefit to your life...why would you want to continue thinking it?

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