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28 Day Slider Ab Challenge

I LOVE sliders! They are an amazing whole body workout. I fell in love with sliders while completing an 80 Day program and I put together some of my favorite ab moves with the sliders into a 28 Day Challenge.

I'm on a mission after 2 boys to get my strongest core YET. But just to be clear these moves are whole body. I filmed this video to show the different moves and after doing just 10 sets of each of these 9 moves I was a sweating mess.

Each day there will be 3 moves for you to do. On the calendar these moves alternate throughout the week. Watch the video to see what each of them are.

The calendar is designed as a build ladder workout. We start with 10 reps and work up to 70 reps of each ab move by Saturday and then work our way down the ladder back to 10.

A couple of notes ab moves that alternate legs like mountain climbers, alternate windshield wipers, heel slides, cross overs and alternating crawl outs I will be counting each leg as one and splitting up the reps to in half. If you want to intensify the moves by all means keep the rep count to how ever it serves you.

So if you are anything like me you are doing the math and thinking "What the HECK" 210 ab moves in one day. YES, 210 ab moves in one day.

Here is where you work on controlling your mind. Right now your mind is already telling you that you won't be able to do this, that you can complete it, that it will be too hard.

I know that because that is what my mind was telling me as I was writing it. But this is exactly how you create your evidence that you can do HARD THINGS. Commit to this, commit to yourself, honor that commitment and see how your mind and body changes.

You do not have to do all of these moves back to back to back. Build up to it if that will help you be successful. Do not let your mind bully you into thinking you have to do this in a certain way. Make it work for you. Maybe you cut each rep in 1/2 and do some in the morning and some at night. Maybe during your favorite show you break up the reps while you watch the commercials. This does not have to be all or nothing. This is just another thought that your brain tells you to keep you save and in your comfort zone.


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